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True Wealth Defined as? Heres the answer !

February 12th, 2010 at 02:58 am

Well if you find yourself here , and have not read part 1 & 2 of course you first should. Many of you may be thinking why do I need to have wealth defined anyway.
Well thats why because most have a wrong mindset about wealth . Plus to achieve something it must be defined, specific & obtainable. If I said im going to run a race & start training right away. The first question is start training how ? To answer that i must know several key things . Like what is my current fitness level? How much time do I have before the race? What will the distance of the race be? What will the weather & terrain be ? A really big question is do I want to win or simply finish? The journey to obtain wealth is no different. To accomplish a goal you must first define what it will look like when you do. Wealth is no different. Ok enough is enough heres the definition. There may be others, but I dont know of any. This one can be obtained by all who decide to. I must admit its not my own idea it was written by a man named Buckminster Fuller in 1961 as he applied for a patent called the geodesic dome. This was also written about in the book " Rich Dad Poor Dad " .
Wealth is a persons ability to survive so many number of days forward. Or you can say if I stopped working today , how long could i survive? Knowing this you can actually measure where you are in terms of being finacially independent.
Wealth is the measure of cash flow from assets when compared to the expenses.
Once you know this it becomes very possible to obtain wealth. So heres an example lets say your assets produce 1500 a month in passive income & your monthy expenses are 3000. Thus you have 15 days of ability to live forward & 15 days to cover. Income from a job or work of course does not count in the Wealth proccess. What I love about this is now you know what to do . Either create 1500 more in passive income or reduce expenses by 1500 or a combination of both. I bet many people are closer to wealth than they thought now. I know I am & getting closer every day. My personal goal is the example above. I describe it this way 100 dollars per day everday without working. I have reduced many expenses & will be without debt within 30 more days. I could live comfortable on less than 3000 , but I prefer to have a solid base. I want to add one more thought here. You dont have to limit your assets to just savings. The income can come from investments both cash or property. It can come from a real business where you get passive residual without you being present or performing actual work( dont mix this up with self employment). So now you know we all can have wealth . You must take two actions here to obtain it. First what are the real expenses you need to live comfortable & are you willing to reduce any & stop creating debts. Debt even buying a house is the biggest wealth killer. Second where do you want the income to come from ? Are you just going to save money until you make enough in interest ( that can take a long time for most). Are you going to try stocks, bonds ect? Invest in properties? Become a true business owner that can reap passive income that will grow without you? Ive chosen mostly the business route, and currently own 2 debt clear cash flow business. One I bought for 20,000 in 1990 the 2nd I bought for less than 400 in 2006. Now remember a business may not be fully walk away the day you buy it or it might , but it must be your goal to walk away from it @ some point. So if you need 1000 or 10,000 a month I say make some wise choices, think out of the box, dont shoot down opportunitys until you see all the information ever!! Choose to live in faith not fear & doubt, and by all means have a positive attitude because a cup half empty person seldom will have a full cup!! Best wishes obtaining wealth & dont confuse it with being rich!! Rich has no true definition , but I bet you will know when you are!!

Wealth Defined Part 2

February 9th, 2010 at 06:39 pm

Well ive been a bit under the weather so behind on my new blog world. I must first say that true wealth is a blessing when sick or unable to work for any reason. We hear the word wealth tossed around rather frequently. Yet I seldom hear any one even try to define it. As you read this whats your first thought about wealth ? I know what mine used to be. Wow has it changed now thanks to good success minded business leaders , good reading on the subject, and a host of leadership training & attitude / mindset changes!! A mindset is powerful & can be very destructive. Its also known as a stronghold , and can impact your life in many ways for the good or bad. Yes even our finances. You may have heard some of the following in your is hard, lifes not fair, its dog eat dog, murphys law, dont take risk, play it safe, do you think money grows on trees, dont be selfish, find a job, work hard, get some benefits, stay in school, go to college, get a education, be somebody, quit dreaming, just work hard & save a little for retirement... the list is endless!! Those words can define your whole future or lack of one. Remember a person can never ever reach their full success potential living in fear & not taking risk. To prove it find a very very successful person that did not risk. It cant be done. You can find many many average people though that would not risk & still wont. Everything they do is a play it safe mentality also known as a poverty mentality. Its sad how many dreams will never come true because of fear & a negative mindset. Wealth defined part 3 coming soon. Thanks from 3in1energy

True Wealth Defined

February 7th, 2010 at 06:10 am

What do most people think of when they hear the word wealth ? Perhaps Donald Trump or Warren Buffet or a famous actor or singer . Oprah or Dr. Phil, maybe they even fit the "Wealth chart " ? Is wealth the sum of net assets over 100,000 or is it 250,000 ? If not then for sure the grand some of 1 million thats got to be true wealth ! Are many hard working people trying to obtain wealth without knowing what it looks like ? Ive noticed since my pursuit of wealth that many people have a very poor wealth IQ or none at all, and boy are they easy to offend too. Why I must ask are most hard working people so touchy about wealth. Many work harder & harder some even take on overtime, 2nd jobs, promotions , and on and on it goes , but can wealth be gained that way ? They chip away at debts with a structured & diciplined budget . They slowly mount there savings with a 20 here or 40 there process designed to provide a retirement at age 60-70 give or take. Well any of this produce wealth ? Its getting late & ive been known to ramble a bit sort of ! So i say lets discuss this more tomorrow ! I dont like giving my opinion of wealth although its not a opinion its based on fact. I notice many of my fellow finance bloggers are not just on a different page then me , but some are in a different book on another planet in a different galaxy ! Im curious to see any comment on wealth. How to obtain it, how does one know when they have . Yes ,i do know the correct answers & am living those out by actions. I will write " True Wealth Defined Part 2 ". May you have a wealth producing night... from 3in1energy